Interesting facts about horses...


- A horse produces 3-10 gallons of saliva daily depending on whether it's eating dry forage/hay or fresh grass in a pasture.

- Horse saliva aids in digestion and contains a bicarbonate, which is an alkaline to help neutralize acid in the stomach.


- Horses are healthier if allowed to graze or are fed several smaller meals over the course of a day.


- A horses digestive system is designed to move in one direction from front to back. Horses can't throw up.


- Heat generated by the digestive process helps keep a horse warm during cold weather.


- Advocates for a healthy horse digestive system include pre and probiotics, enzymes, fats and amino acids.


- In the wild, mares decide where the herd goes for food and water.


- Given access to pastureland with plenty to eat, horses are thought to graze 50-75% of the time. The remaining time is spent grooming one another, playing or sleeping.


- Horses lose their baby teeth by the time they are six years old. Their permanent teeth continue to erupt over their lifetime at a rate of 1/3 of an inch annually.


- Horses only sleep 3 to 4 hours in a 24 hour period

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